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Technique Number 6 - Quit Porn with Self-Hypnosis

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Napoleon Hill


  1. Sit in a comfortable position, you can recline on a chair, sofa or a bed.

  2. Give yourself the suggestion that “I will go into a deep hypnotic state for 15 minutes, at the end of this time, I will open my eyes feeling wonderfully fine, confident and optimistic. In case of any outside danger, I will be awakened immediately, be fully alert and act accordingly.

  3. Now, look straight and then choose a point above your line of sight as a point of eye fixation.

  4. Breath in slowly and deeply and repeat aloud or mentally “Sleep” on breathing in and “Deep Sleep” on breathing out.

  5. Do this until your eyes feel tired and on the first sign of eye fatigue, start suggesting to yourself that “My eyes are getting more and more tired, they are getting watery and want to close, I am not able to keep them open, they are closing, and as soon as they close, I will go into a deep and hypnotic sleep. Even though I will be in a deep hypnotic sleep, I will be able to direct suggestions to my subconscious mind”.

  6. Keep repeating this until your eyes close by their own volition.

  7. Once your eyes are closed, you are in a hypnotic state. Deepen this state by suggesting to yourself that you will count from 10 to 1 and on each number your body and mind will relax more and more.

  8. Once you finish the count, check if you are in a deep hypnotic state by suggesting yourself that “I will count from 1 to 15, and before I reach the number 15, the forefinger of my right hand will twitch, and as soon as it twitches, I will go into an even deeper hypnotic state”.

  9. Once you are done with the counting if your forefinger twitches, that’s great if not just continue with the process.

  10. Now, give yourself suggestion that “I am porn free, I am not that kind of a person who uses porn, I have a strong will power and I can control myself every time” or you can give yourself any suggestion related to being porn free, like “I am so happy and grateful now that I am free of porn” etc.

  11. While giving the suggestions, imagine yourself being porn free, imagine how your life will be, how your relationships will be, your finances, your health. This is important because a picture speaks a thousand words, and it is very very important that you imagine yourself as you want yourself to be.

  12. Once you are done with giving yourself suggestion, it is time to come out of hypnosis and before you come out, give yourself posthypnotic suggestion saying that “Every time, I take 5 deep breaths and say “Descend” and close my eyes, I will go into a deep hypnotic state”.

  13. Now come out of the hypnotic state by suggesting “I will count from 1 to 3, and I will open my eyes on the count of 3, feeling refreshed, relaxed and in control”. 1…, 2…, 3…. open your eyes.


Your mind is like an iceberg, the visible part of it is your conscious mind and it is conscious of what you are feeling and thinking at any point in time. The lower part, the larger part which is invisible is called the Subconscious mind and it is the seat of your imagination, intuition, and habits. The conscious mind has the ability to judge and say no, but whatever reaches the subconscious mind is accepted without any judgment and it is acted upon, therefore as a safety mechanism, there is a Critical factor which is like a gatekeeper between these two parts. It judges and decides what ideas to let into the subconscious mind. When you relax, the critical factor relaxes. And you can give yourself any suggestions you want and override any bad habits you have. The key factor is that you relax as much as possible and imagine yourself as you want yourself to be in a very clear and concise way.

The techniques which we are discussing are taken from the book "30 ROADS AWAY FROM PORN - More than 30 Real Techniques to Quit Porn".

The first 53 pages of the book can be downloaded free from HERE.

You can purchase it from Google Books HERE.

You can purchase it from Apple Books HERE.

Or you can purchase it as Kindle Book HERE.

Or you can get the Paperback HERE.

If you want to know more about quitting porn using Sexual Energy Transmutation, then checkout my kindle book - QUITTING PORN: WITH SEXUAL ENERGY TRANSMUTATION


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